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After the completion of your studies and before the departure for your home country, there are a few important matters that you have to take care of:

TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS --------------------------

At the end of your study period you will obtain the official Transcript of Records issued by the receiving Department/School.

  1. Download the document “Transcript of Records” 
  2. Fill in your name, the title of the courses that you have attended and the codes of your courses.   
  3. Secure Completion and Signing of the "Transcript of Records" by the Coordinator, following below procedure:
  • Arrange an appointment with your Academic Coordinator.
  • Provide your Academic Coordinator at your Department of Registration with all grades from the courses that you have attended
    (Attention: Do not forget to include the grades you obtained if you also attended courses in different departments of NKUA).

Special case: 
Students who have attended the Modern Greek Language Course should provide their Departmental Coordinator with the Certificate that they will obtain from the Modern Greek Language Center at the end of their studies, in order for their grade and ECTS to be included in the final Transcript of Records.

Εxception for the students of the School of Law: You should address the Secretariat – Mr. Nikolas Tsonis (nitsonis[at]law.uoa[dot]gr) – in order to obtain your Transcript of Records.

Important Note: In case your "Transcript of Records" is not completedsigned and stamped on your departure date, you should clarify with your Academic Coordinator and the Secretariat of the relevant Department how they should send it.  Should you need the original document, you must state the exact address  the document will be sent.

OTHER PENDING ISSUES ----------------------------

  • Before your departure, please ensure that you have returned the Academic Identification Card to the Secretariat of the Department.
  • If you have borrowed books from the Library of your Department you have to submit the  Certificate of No Checked Out books to the Secretariat of your Department.  This document should be filled in and signed by the Head of the relevant Library. 
    Students that have not arranged any pending issues with the Library will not be able to obtain the Transcript of Records.