English » CIVIS » CIVIS Erasmus mobility - Application procedure for incoming students » Registration Procedures / ID Card / Prolongation

Registration Procedures

The documents needed for your enrollment at the Secretariat of your Department, are the following:

  • 1 photograph
  • a copy of passport or identity card

After your enrollment  the Department’s Secretariat will send you by email a personal registration number (13 digits) which you will use to enter the Webadm  platform and create a new, personal account. Once you submit the required information successfully you will be able to automatically get a Username and then you will create your Password. By using your Username and the Password that you will create- you can apply for your Academic Identification Card (Academic ID Card)

Academic Identification Card (Academic ID Card)

The Academic Identification Card (passo) identifies you as a student at the NKUA and it gives the right of access to libraries, sport facilities, museums etc.  It also enables you to buy at half of the regular price, tickets or cards for all means of transport. The card must be presented to controllers of public transportation organization whenever there is a ticket control. Please note that the issuing of the card may take approximately two weeks.


Important note:

Until you obtain your Academic Identification Card you can use the Student Card issued by your Home University in order to be entitled to reduced fares (this is valid for students aged up to 25 years


You can obtain your student ID card by applying on the online service Academic ID by following the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs .

Before you start the application, be sure that you have a photo in digital form (.jpg,.png) and a Greek mobile number  


Prolongation of Studies

Incoming students enrolled at NKUA for the winter semester that wish to apply for an extension of their stay should have the permission of their Home Universities.  In such case, students should fill in the relevant document (Application Form for Prolongation of Studies) which will be approved and signed by both Academic Coordinators. 

To finalize their prolongation of studies students should submit a new Learning agreement for the extended period of study.

The incoming students from third countries should take care about the extension of their visa/residence permit.


Secretariats of  Faculties are open to students

on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

11:00 a.m.-13:00 p.m.