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Hellenic-Canadian international Workshop on “ΞΕΝΟΣ” (The Stranger, the,Foreigner, the Refugee) – [28.05.2023]


The Department of Social Theology and the Study of Religion of the School of Theology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), and the "Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies" of the Department of Global Humanities of the Simon Frazer University (SFU) are co-organising an international and interdisciplinary Workshop on "Ξ E N O Σ" (The Stranger, the Foreigner, the Refugee)

Working Language: English Date,

Time & Place: Sunday 28 May 2023, 10:30-13:30,
at the Multimedia Events Venue (Aithousa Optikoakoustikis Didaskalias),
School of Theology Building, Panepistimiopolis, Ano Ilissia, 157 72, Athens, Greece.

Online Participation: https://zoom.us/j/8199745806?pwd=V1FicExVZkJoK3Q3THB2c0MvemVMQT09

Meeting ID: 819 974 5806 Passcode: 3KgNeY
YouTube Livestreaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ_cJ0q8u4VsNgHmeSswk-Q

Attendance Certificates: Yes (for attendees with physical presence or via Zoom).

Information (Greece): (+30) 694 630 3954 (preferably via SMS or VIBER), soctheol.uoa.gr[at]gmail[dot]com Information (Canada): Dr. James Horncastle, Dr. Eirini Kotsovili

Organising Committee
- Professor Dr. Sotirios Despotis [NKUA]
- Professor Dr. Kirki Kefalea [NKUA]
- Dr. James Horncastle [SFU]
- Dr. Eirini Kotsovili [SFU]
- Dr. Apostolos Michailidis [NKUA]
- PhD Cand. Mr. Dimitrios Alexopoulos [NKUA]