English » ERASMUS+ » Erasmus+ International Mobility/KA171 » Incoming Staff for Training

Information for incoming staff for a short period of training

This Erasmus+ mobility concerns a short training period of 5 days (plus 2 travel days). Staff from partner institutions wishing to visit the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) for a short training period should contact the International Relations Office of their home institution to be informed about their internal selection procedure.

Scroll down to find information about:

  1. Nomination Procedure
  2. Application Procedure
    (a) Online Application
    (b) Grant Agreement
    (c) Additional Documentation
  3.  Financial Affairs
  4. Visa Requirements
  5. Insurance Coverage
  6. After the Mobility


Following their selection, and before the participants begin with the application procedure, their home institution is required to submit their nominations to NKUA's European and International Relations Department.

For the nomination process, partner universities must send an email to erasmus[at]uoa[dot]gr attaching:
|a) the nomination letter and,
b) the staff member's curriculum vitae

Nomination deadlines:

For spring semester: November 30th

For winter semester: May 30th

Once the nomination process is completed, you will be informed and guided by the Department of European and International Relations regarding the Online application

Application process

The online application process consists of three parts:
a) submission of the Online application,
b) courier delivery of the Grant Agreement,
c) sending additional documentation via email 

To quickly view the required documents for submission and ensure your application stays on track, please download and keep this document: Keep your Training Mobility on Track

a) Online Application
To complete your application, you will need to upload the following documents to the platform:

  • Invitation Letter from a School/Department (or the BIP Coordinator) of NKUA
  • A copy of your valid passport
  • The Mobility Agreement for Training (Click the link to download), signed by the applicant, the relevant coordinator at the home university, and the relevant coordinator at NKUA.

Upon the successful submission of your Online Application, you will receive your Acceptance Letter.

b) Grant agreement
Once the European and International Relations Department has received all required documents, participants will receive the following by email their Erasmus+ Grant Agreement.


1. Their Erasmus+ Grant Agreement

Applicants must print three (3) hard copies and sign each one originally (Have in mind that you must not edit this document, but just sign all the three copies originally).

2. The Individual's Declaration of Personal Details document (click to download), accessible through the Financial and Administrative Support Unit of the Special Account for Research Grants at NKUA.

This document must be completed in English, bear the original signature of the participant, and be accompanied by a document issued by the participant's bank containing the details of the participant's bank account where the financial support is to be transferred, INCLUDING:

  • bank account number,
  • account holder name,
  • bank name,
  • address of the bank branch,
  • Clearing/BIC/SWIFT number, and
  • IBAN number.

These documents must be sent back via express shipping/courier to: 

European and International Relations Department,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
30, Panepistimiou Street, 106 79 Athens, Greece
(For the attention of: Ms. Fotini Fryda) 
Please remember to inform our office of the tracking number!

c) Additional documentation
At least one month before the mobility period, participants must additionally upload the following documents:

  • A copy of the ticket or e-ticket along with the receipt of payment for the ticket
  • A copy of the insurance contract issued in English or translated into English, covering at least health care insurance
  • A copy of their visa

Please have in mind that these procedures may take a considerable number of days and/or weeks, so it is recommended that you initiate preparing your documents as soon as possible.

Financial Affairs


Incoming staff members will receive individual financial support of €160 per day for the 5 training days. The start date of the mobility period is defined as the first day participants are required to be present at the NKUA, while the end date is the last day they need to be present at the NKUA.

The total duration of the mobility period must be a minimum of 5 days per mobility activity. Additionally, a minimum of 8 hours of training per week must be observed.


Participants can also receive extra €160 per day for 2 travel days, one day before the start of the mobility, and one day after the end of the mobility.

If the travel days coincide with training days, no additional travel days are compensated for.

For example, if someone’s mobility period was from June 5th to June 9th (5 days):

- If the arrival and departure days in Athens are June 5th and June 9th respectively: no additional grant for travel days is provided.
-  If the arrival day in Athens is June 4th (or earlier) and the departure day is June 10th (or later): they are entitled for 2 travel days (160e x 2).
- If the arrival day in Athens is June 4th (or earlier) and the departure day is June 9th: they are entitled to only 1 travel day.
- If they arrival day in Athens is June 5th and the departure day is June 10th (or later): they are entitled to only 1 travel day.

IMPORTANT: For the travel days grant, boarding passes are considered as proof, and only the dates indicated on them are taken into account. Travel time is not considered.

Green Travel

To promote the Erasmus+ program's principles of environmental sustainability and combating climate change, the program encourages green travel.

Participants are urged to choose transportation options with a lower carbon footprint or overall environmental impact, such as buses, trains, or carpooling, whenever possible.

For travel to be classified as "green", more than half of the total distance between the home institution and the destination institution must be covered using low-carbon transportation.

Participants who opt for green travel may receive up to four (4) additional days of individual support funding to cover the extra travel time for the round trip.

Please note: The decision to use green travel must be made in a timely manner, at least one month before the start of the mobility period, to allow for the necessary adjustments to the Grant Agreements. Changes from regular travel to green travel will not be accepted retroactively or outside the deadlines set by the National Agency.


Incoming staff members will receive an allowance for travel expenses.

This allowance is determined based on the kilometric distance between their home country and Athens, regardless of the actual expenses incurred by the participants or the chosen route and means of travel.

To calculate the distance in kilometers between your home university and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, please visit the following link: Distance Calculator.

The funding corresponding to various distance ranges in kilometers is as follows:

Distance Range


10-99 km


100-499 km


500-1999 km


2000-2999 km


3000-3999 km


4000-7999 km


8000-19999 km



Participants will receive the first part of their payment, representing 80% of the total financial support, after the Department of International and European Studies receives the signed Grant Agreement sent by the applicant via courier, along with all required supporting documents (visa, tickets, insurance contract) to be sent to erasmus[at]uoa[dot]gr.

The remaining 20% of the financial support will be paid after the departure of staff members, the final assessment of the mobility period, and the successful submission of the online EU survey (see also After Departure).

Participants must provide evidence of the actual start and end dates of the mobility period based on the Certificate of Training. Boarding passes and tickets serve as supporting documents for participants' mobility and indicate their place of departure and arrival.

Financial support or a portion thereof may be reclaimed if participants fail to conduct the mobility activity in accordance with the terms of the agreement they have signed. However, reimbursement will not be requested in cases where participants have been unable to complete their mobility activities due to force majeure.

The Department of European and International Relationships strives to ensure the timely disbursement of the Erasmus+ grant to participants. For this to happen, participants must promptly submit the required documents by the specified deadlines, following the instructions they will receive. It is solely the participant’s responsibility to ensure timely submission.

Failure to adhere to the schedule may result in the inability to process the grant payment.

Visa Requirements

Incoming staff from most non-EU countries are required to apply for a visa before arriving in Greece.

A copy of your visa must be emailed to erasmus[at]uoa[dot]gr one month to your travel to Greece.

It is advisable to initiate the visa application process as early as possible, as it may involve a significant amount of time.

Please refer to the list of countries requiring or not requiring a visa on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic: List of Countries

Participants should contact the nearest authorized Greek Consulate to obtain information on all necessary documents and the formal application procedure.

Information regarding Greek Missions worldwide can be found at: Greek Missions.

One of the required documents is the Invitation Letter and/or Acceptance letter participants receive from our office after successfully submitting their Online application.

Insurance Coverage

Participants must have adequate insurance coverage during their mobility period.

The insurance coverage must include mandatory private health insurance (Liability insurance and accident insurance are optional. Liability and accident insurances cover damages caused by the participant or to the participant during their stay abroad).

Additionally, participants may require complementary private health insurance in certain situations, such as repatriation or special medical interventions.

Apart from the aforementioned types of insurance, it is recommended (but not mandatory) to have insurance against loss or theft of documents, travel tickets, and luggage.

A photocopy of the insurance contract, covering basic and optionally emergency issues in Greece, issued (or translated) in English, must be uploaded to the NKUA Application platform or sent to erasmus[at]uoa[dot]gr one month prior to the start of the mobility period.

After the Mobility

After the end of the mobility participants should send the following documents by email to erasmus[at]uoa[dot]gr:

  • Copies of the arrival and departure boarding passes.
  • A duly completed and signed Certificate of Training, signed by the academic coordinator at the receiving institution
  • A brief report detailing the activities during the visit, accompanied by a short photo gallery.

Subsequently, participants must complete and submit

  • the EU online survey they will receive from the European Commission via automatic email. Participants who fail to complete and submit the online EU Survey may be required to partially or fully reimburse the financial support received.

Following the completion of these steps, the European and International Relations Department will initiate the procedure for payment of the second part (20%) of the financial support.