Information concerning courses and other academic matters can be obtained:
a) By contacting the Academic Coordinator, responsible for each bilateral agreement. Students are advised to contact their Academic Coordinator of the NKUA in good time in order to ensure the availability of selected courses and to clarify the ECTS credits that will be awarded for the selected courses.
b) By visiting the website of the University Departments ( Students have to take into consideration that the courses will not be updated until the summer, so they are advised to select their courses according to the previous academic year’s course info.
c) By contacting the Erasmus+ Administrative staff at the Secretariats of the Departments
After the selection of courses they must fill in the On-line Learning Agreement (OLA) and have it signed by the Academic Coordinators of both Universities.
Student’s programme of studies will be discussed and finalized with their Academic Coordinators upon their arrival in Athens.
This course offers you the opportunity to explore the vibrant culture, rich history, and dynamic arts of modern Greece in this exciting elective course! Whether you have a passion for history, literature, or the arts, this course offers a comprehensive view of Greece's influence in these areas. Each lecture is given by experts from the respective departments.
The course is taught in the English language.
Duration: 07 weeks
Place: School of Philosophy – Department of Theatre Studies.
For more information contact the academic coordinator, Ms. Karra K. (email: katkarra[at]theatre.uoa[dot]gr )
Registration period: 29.09.2024-25.10.2024
Registration guidelines: please check the document with the lecture schedule and the registration Google Form
Starting day of lectures: 29th of October
This course offers students the opportunities to get acquainted with various aspects of Greek music and culture through a combination of lectures ranging from Byzantine music to traditional and popular music, as well as art music. At the same time, in addressing those topics, students will be introduced to a variety of methodologies relating to music studies including historiography, ethnomusicology and anthropology. The course will be evaluated through written assignments, on topics agreed with the lecturers. The course content is organized with a chronological perspective.
The course is taught in the English language.
Contact Person: Assistant Professor Katerina Levidou (email: )
For more information click on this link
* Departments of Philology, History and Archaeology, Philosophy, Psychology, Music Studies, Educational Studies, Theatre Studies, Theology, Social Theology and Study of Religion, foreign languages and literatures (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian)
Open to BA and MA students with an advanced level and/or a Bachelor's/ Master degree in Languages, Linguistics, Special Education or Psychology. A B2 level of English is required. The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the various issues implicated in Second Language (L2) and Foreign Language (FL) teaching and learning, with a particular focus on students with atypical development.
Instructor: Dr. Evangelia Kyritsi
For further information on the course and the application process, please check the link below:
You may also contact Dr. Kyritsi: Eva.Kyritsi[at]phil.uoa[dot]gr