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Directorate of Public and International Relations


MARCH 2025

Thursday 6 March 2025, 17:00: Awarding ceremony conferring the title of doctor honoris causa of the Department of Russian Language and Literature and Slavic Studies of the NKUA’s School of Philosophy upon Professor of Classical and Modern Greek Philology at Vilnius University, Lithuania, Dr Fatima Eloeva.

Webcast link:

Wednesday 12 March 2025, 18:30: Concert accessible and friendly to people with dementia and their carers organized by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens as part of the series of educational, cultural, and artistic actions under the general title ‘NKUA in the City’.

Monday 17 March 2025, 19:00Event in honour of the three leading sound technicians, Stelios Giannakopoulos, Giannis Smirnaios, and Giannis Sygletos, organized by the Section of Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology and the Section of Sound Technology of the NKUA’s Department of Music Studies.

Web link:

Thursday 20 March 2025, 19:00: Awarding ceremony conferring the title of doctor honoris causa of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the NKUA’s School of Science upon Professor of Philosophy of Science at Bielefeld University, Germany, Dr Martin Carrier.

Webcast link:

Friday 21 March 2025, 12:00: Official celebration to mark the National Anniversary of 25 March 1821 organized by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The ceremony will include a panegyric by Professor at the NKUA’s Department of Philology, Dr Dimitrios Aggelatos. On the same day at 11:30 the old-established laying of wreaths at the marble statues and the inside of the Propylaea will take place.

Web link:

Thursday 27 March 2025, 19:00: Awarding ceremony conferring the title of doctor honoris causa of the Department of German Language and Literature of the NKUA’s School of Philosophy upon Professor Emeritus of Literature at ETH Zurich and writer, Dr Adolf Muschg.

Webcast link:


Monday 10 February 2025, 18:00: Event on the International Greek Language Day organized by the School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in memory of the late Professors of Linguistics at the NKUA’s Department of Philology, Dimitra Theofanopoulou-Kontou and Panagiotis Kontos.

Web link:

Wednesday 12 February 2025, 13:00: Awards ceremony for the students of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens who distinguished themselves in sport.

Web link:

Thursday 13 February 2025, 11:00: Welcome ceremony for the incoming Erasmus students (Spring Semester).

Web link:

Friday 14 February 2025, 14:00: Graduation ceremony and awarding of the ‘Juriste Européen’ Certificate to the students of the European Law School Network organized by the NKUA’s School of Law.

Tuesday 18 February 2025, 19:00: Awarding ceremony conferring the title of doctor honoris causa of the Department of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, upon the Head of Rheumatology at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, Professor Xenofon Baraliakos.

Web link:


Thursday 9 January 2025, 19:00:Awarding ceremony conferring the title of doctor honoris causa of the Department of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, NKUA, upon Professor of Medical Oncology at the Department of Medicine of the University of Valencia, Spain, and President of the European Society for Medical Oncology, Mr Andrés Cervantes.

Web link:

Monday 13 January 2025, 19:00: Awarding ceremony conferring the title of doctor honoris causa of the Department of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, NKUA, upon Professor at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Head of the Department of Oncology of Lausanne University Hospital, and Director of Ludwig Cancer Research Lausanne Branch, Mr George Coukos.

Web link:

Friday 17 January 2025, 19:00: Speech by philosopher and writer Stelios Ramfos as part of the series of educational actions on Literature under the general title ‘Word and Knowledge in the City of the 21st Century’ organized by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in collaboration with the Municipality of Athens as part of the series of actions ‘NKUA in the City’.

Web link:

Monday 20 January 2025, 17:00: One-day conference entitled ‘Dance, Ancient Greek Drama, and Myth’ organized by the NKUA’s Department of Theatre Studies.

Friday 24 January 2025, 19:30: Classical song recital by Professor at the NKUA’s School of Law and tenor, Mr Panos Lazaratos, entitled ‘I Dreamed a Dream.

Web link:

Tuesday 28 January 2025, 15:00: Opening ceremony of the conference entitled ‘50 Years of Democracy and the Armed Forces: What Lies Ahead?’ co-organized by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP).

Web link:

Wednesday 29 January 2025, 19:00: Awarding ceremony conferring the title of doctor honoris causa of the Department of Communication and Media Studies, School of Economics and Political Sciences, NKUA, upon film critic and journalist, Mr Giannis Bakogiannopoulos.

Web link:

Thursday 30 January 2025, 13:00: Official celebration of the Feast of the Three Hierarchs and Greek Letters Day organized by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The ceremony will include a panegyric by Professor at the Department of Social Theology and the Study of Religion, Kirki Kefalea, entitled ‘Saint Gregory the Theologian and His Poetic Work’.

On the same day at 10:00, after the Divine Liturgy, the old-established memorial service for Founders, Donors, Benefactors, Professors, Students, and Administrative Staff of the University of Athens will be held at the Church of the Presentation of the Mother of God in the Temple (Kapnikarea).

Web link:


Monday 2 December 2024, 19:00: Anniversary event to mark the 20 years of the Vascular Surgery Unit of Hippocratio Athens General Hospital.

Web link:

Tuesday 3 December 2024, 19:00: Lecture by Professor Maria Efthymiou entitled ‘Private Ownership - Communal Ownership, Or How Humanity Is Measured Historically Against Itself’, as part of the series of educational, cultural, and artistic actions of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens under the general title ‘NKUA in the City’.

Monday 9 December 2024, 19:00: Presentation of a book by Professor Emeritus of the University of Athens, Reverend Father Dimitrios Linos, entitled ‘Views’.

Web link:

Tuesday 10 December 2024, 18:30: Lecture entitled ‘The Contribution of Greece and the United States to Technological Developments in Space’ organized by the Mara Karetsos Center of Culture & Science Greece.

Web link:

Thursday 12 December 2024, 18:00: Event to officially present the project entitled ‘Digital Tour of Monuments of the Religious Cultural Reserve of Athens City Historical Centre’ organized by the Holy Archdiocese of Athens.

Web link:

Friday 13 December 2024, 19:00: Opening ceremony of the 26th IASL Congress, Athens, entitled ‘Sports Law, New Dimension and Perspectives, AI Reforms and Sports Regulations’ organized by the Hellenic Centre of Research on Sports Law (HCRSL).

Friday 20 December 2024, 18:00: Christmas Concert at NKUA with the Department of Music Studies’ Orchestra and Mixed Choir performing Bach, Händel, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Fauré, Bartók, Jenkins, Morricone, Suk, Martin, Anderson, et al., under the direction of Messrs Matthew Legakis and Pavlos Kordis.

Web link: